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Kibworth Cricket Club Nets - Opening

Kibworth Cricket Club Nets - Opening

Kevin Messenger16 May 2020 - 16:47

Limited use of KCC nets now available

Following the announcement by the government last Sunday and further information provided to us by the ECB yesterday afternoon, we are now happy to announce that we will be opening one artificial net on specific days and times from Monday 18th May. Steve Pollard will be responsible for all bookings and management of the facility during the booking period.

The summary of guidelines provided to us is below:

1. You can exercise outdoors on your own, with members of your household or with one other person from outside your household while keeping two metres apart at all times. You must only exercise in groups of no more than two people, unless you are exercising exclusively with members of your household.
2. Social distancing of at least two metres must always be maintained (unless all participants are members of the same household).
3. Only one-to-one coaching is permitted per session.
4. Nets should be used on an ‘every other’ basis, leaving one net free between nets.
5. Clubhouses can be reopened in a limited way for operational reasons (e.g. for access to first aid equipment) or for toilet access (see below) but all communal areas including bar, changing rooms etc are to remain closed for general use.
6. Toilet facilities can be opened if the venue wishes, but particular care should be taken by those using them and those cleaning them. Where they are open, venues must ensure soap and water is provided.
7. No indoor activity at all.
8. You must use your own equipment. No sharing of any equipment including use of balls.
9. No saliva or sweat should come into contact with the ball at any time. Batsman must ensure they hit the ball back to the bowler, DO NOT pick it up and throw back even though you are wearing a glove.
10. Wash hands at home before and after using the outdoor facilities. Bring your own hand sanitiser where possible.

Please note we are insistent that guidelines are followed. You must not book or attend a booking the facility if you show any symptoms of COVID-19. We will be opening the bottom pavilion and providing toilet and hand washing capacity and after each booking, these will be cleaned down by Steve.

For the week commencing Monday 18th May the net will be available for booking:

• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10am-3pm.
• Wednesday 3pm-dusk.
• A session will last for 90 minutes with a 15-minute break between bookings.
• All sessions must be booked through Steve Pollard in advance. Steve’s contact number is 07748650827.

The committee will review the situation considering any further government or economic guidance and will also discuss the demand for nets, length of sessions etc at the end of each week.

If you require any further information on this announcement, please contact a member of the committee for further clarification.

Take care and stay safe.

Further reading